Sponsor this child. Change a life
Meet Auno Pamella
Her mother is a waitress in a local restaurant in Gulu. She became the breadwinner of the family when her husband died because of witchcraft. She had to take care of her 6 children yet she earned nothing. We chose to take care of Pamella, took her back to school, and now she happily lives with us at our orphanage.
Your sponsorship can help fill in the gaps and significantly impact her health, education, and future.
Auno Pamela needs ONE person to help him visualize a future he has never known. The $50 (185,000Ugx) you donate every month is invested in the lives of some of the world’s poorest children so that generational poverty can be ended. By supporting community centers in vulnerable areas, you enable teams to deliver critical, effective programs to children who need them most. Can you help Auno Pamela make a lasting difference? Sponsor him today.