• Pursuing Godliness:

We recognize that we are tools for the will of God; that we shall invoke his blessings to be endowed with the gifts and opportunities to hallow his name. We shall respect his creation and live as good citizens, promoting just causes and safe guarding our God Given natural endowment.We are committed to celebrate success and use every opportunity to make the workplace pleasant and enjoyable so as to give glory to God for what he has enabled us to achieve.

  • Respect

In all what we do and even among our children we shall exhibit high levels of respect when executing LUF activities. Respect of properties and contracts with the external parties. We believe that this will improve our reputation and relationship with the people we work with and this will make the center standout of the crowd.

  • Teamwork

LUF is committed to team effort at all layers of operation; and recognizes that the children and staff are the source of its pride and strength that collectively determine the institution’s character and effectiveness.

  • Continuous improvement

We are committed to continuous innovation and improvement; seeking for ingenious solutions to emerging challenges, to regularly evaluate our aspiration, policies and practices. This will be inculcated among our children and the staff at the center.

  • Result oriented

We shall keep focused on getting results in specified time frames. We shall always express our goal in measurable targets, regularly evaluate our performance and quantify our achievement and failure.

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