Every child has a right everywhere in the world. Every country’s constitution in the world has children’s rights listed. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda defines a child as one below the age of eighteen years. So is it with the National Union of the convention on the Rights of Children? Love Uganda Foundation aims at protecting the rights and well-being of children in everything it does.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda recognizes the rights of the child. And provides for children’s right to health, right to education, and right to protection from exploitation. Therefore the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda in chapter 4 section 34 has children’s rights listed. Furthermore, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of children highlights that children need special care and protection including appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth.
In the same way, the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda observes the same laws that govern children’s rights.
Love Uganda Foundation promotes child rights
First, Subject to laws enacted in their best interests, children shall have the right to know. And their parents or those entitled by law to bring them up should care for them. Love Uganda Foundation puts this right at work by becoming parents to the orphans and vulnerable children. We care about them and make them feel like they are with their parents hence promoting their rights.
Education is a right
The responsibility of the State and the parents of the child is to see that they have basic education. Love Uganda Foundation under its campaign “Keep an Orphan in School”. This focuses on making sure that every orphan has access to quality education. This is made possible through donations and sponsorships of orphans.
A child’s health is our priority
Thirdly, Reasons of religion or other beliefs shall not deprive children of medical treatment, education, or any other social or economic benefit. Love Uganda Foundation orphanage provides medical care to all orphans. Our children go to church on Sunday and have bible studies, music, dance, and drama.
child labor
children are entitled to be protected from social and economic exploitation and shall not be employed in jobs that are dangerous or that interfere with their education. Or adversely impact their health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development. Love Uganda Foundation does not support child labor. So many orphans join the labor market because there is no one to take care of them except themselves. This is where LUF comes in to help these orphans and vulnerable children. By providing them with a home and other basic needs in life.
Then, for clause (4) of this article, children shall be persons under the age of sixteen years. Love Uganda Foundation takes care of orphans and vulnerable children as young as 1 year at the orphanage home.
A child offender who is kept in lawful custody or detention shall be kept separately from adult offenders. Furthermore, LUF’s advocate that children’s cells should be used. This is to prevent them from learning other vises that are not of their age.
Lastly, the law shall accord special protection to orphans and other vulnerable children. LUF follows everything that is written in the National Orphans and Other Vulnerable children policy under the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development. This makes it easy for us to implement and care for orphans and vulnerable children.
LUF calls upon everyone in your status to join us in creating awareness. And promoting child rights in our communities and country at large. You can join us by sponsoring a child so that she/he can attend school. Donations also do help for example scholastic materials, clothes, and any other thing.