Love Uganda Foundation Orphanage home
November 1, 2017
NGOS in Uganda
December 2, 2017
Sustainable growth as LUF supports orphans


Love Uganda Foundation, an indigenous charity organization in Uganda is joining the rest of the world to create a better world by embarking on the sustainable development goals. The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) are a set of 17 goals that were adopted by 193 states spearheaded by the United Nations Organization in the bid to transform the world by 2030.

The goals are a succession of the Millennium Development Goals to build on the principles of a UN resolution known as the future we want.

With Christianity as a key foundation for the charity, Love Uganda Foundation believes in a number of competencies. These include but are not limited to; ethics and integrity, entrepreneurship, spiritual development, ICT and environmental literacy as well as talent development. With a goal to give hope to Orphans, Needy, Vulnerable and Disabled children, the foundation holds a number of the SDGs on the agenda of their work.

Goal number 3 of the SDGs is good health and well-being with aim to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all ages. Our foundation that is helping the most vulnerable of communities especially the children, elderly and mothers is one of the ways we are contributing to this goal. Our activities like community outreaches and our children’s home do provide a baseline for a number of targets to reduce diseases like AIDS through adequate education given and others like malaria, water-borne diseases by extended donations from partners.

In addition to that the foundation through its “Keep a child in school” program helps to add to efforts of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all that is in line with goal number 4 that alights quality education.Uganda ophans supported by ITEL Uganda

We strive to provide quality education to several orphaned and needy children in Uganda. This is through the formal education system as well as activities like counselling and guidance.

The latter mentioned are the few of the core SDGs on the Love Uganda Foundation agenda. Together we hope to synergise efforts with the global community and partners to not only create but be part of a brighter world we all want. Goal 17, the last of the SDGs is partnership for the goals. The charity through various partners and volunteers is strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. Together the future is bright and our organization is at the fore front of the struggle.

Love Uganda Foundation is dedicated to keeping on to do all possible within its reach to achieve its mission, staying true to its vision and core principles. By 2030 with the SDGs on the agenda, the future is bright as we continue to empower generations.

Uganda orphans dance to entertain their visitors

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