Thank you for visiting Love Uganda foundation website we are please to receive your generous donation Via Mobile Money
Mtn Mobile Money: +256772633920 (KYEYUNE ROBERT PAUL)
Airtel Mobile Money: +256741857276 (KYEYUNE ROBERT PAUL)
Utl (Msente): +256712157128 (KYEYUNE ROBERT PAUL)
It is through donations that Love Uganda Foundation is able to cater for the education and other basic needs of the children admitted in both the external program and orphanage program as well as enabling other projects which are geared towards the development of the local communities.
Once donors have given to the organization, they are entitled to a donation receipt from the organization as well as accountability on how the money given was used. Donors may also receive thanks letters, photos, and videos from the beneficiaries of their giving. All that is required of the donor is information on how they can be reached, preferably through email or WhatsApp.